- 代码无法展示完整
- 有序列表前面的数字无法展示
- 无须列表多了几列
- 三级/四级标题样式固化
- 最后的参考内容数字列表格式错乱
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Invalid JSON: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script>var i=location.href;var v=window.btoa?window.btoa(window.encodeURIComponent(i)):"";window.location.href="https://waf.tencent.com/501page.html?u="+location.origin+"&id=1b5cfa348bdfe54f018dcc316bcbf1cf-1697099164938977-85119-139672863803136-76234149314225168&st=01&v="+v;</script></head></html>
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def upload_media_news(content,baseinfo,token): """ 上传到微信公众号 """ articles = { 'articles': [ { "title": baseinfo.TITLE, "thumb_media_id": baseinfo.THUMB_MEDIA_ID, "author": baseinfo.AUTHOR, "digest": baseinfo.digest, "show_cover_pic": 1, "content": content, "content_source_url": baseinfo.CONTENT_SOURCE_URL } # 若新增的是多图文素材,则此处应有几段articles结构,最多8段 ] } headers={'Content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'} datas = json.dumps(articles, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') # 发布草稿箱 postUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/draft/add?access_token=%s" % token r = requests.post(postUrl, data=datas, headers=headers) try: resp = json.loads(r.text) media_id = resp['media_id'] print(media_id) # ### 发布 # media_params = { # "media_id": media_id # } # postUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/freepublish/submit?access_token=%s" % token # datas = json.dumps(media_params, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') # r = requests.post(postUrl,data=datas, headers=headers) # resp = json.loads(r.text) # print(resp) return True except json.JSONDecodeError as e: # 捕获JSON解码错误 print("Invalid JSON:", e) print(r.text) return False except KeyError as e: # 捕获键错误 print("Key Error:", e) print(r.text) return False
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if __name__ == '__main__': print() # 相关文件夹初始化 if cp_utils.is_dir_existed(md_dir) or cp_utils.is_dir_existed(out_dir): print("目录不存在") exit(0) if cp_utils.is_dir_existed(styles_dir) or cp_utils.is_dir_existed(template_dir): print("目录不存在") exit(0) # 文件检查/ md_file_path_list = cp_utils.filter_file_type(md_dir, '.md') if len(md_file_path_list) == 0: print("当前目录无md文件,请检查后重试!" + md_dir) exit(0) theme_file_path_list = cp_utils.filter_file_type(styles_dir, '.ini') if len(theme_file_path_list) == 0: print("当前目录无样式配置文件,请检查后重试!" + styles_dir) exit(0) print("begin sync to wechat") start_time = time.time() # 开始时间 sync.init_cache() client, token = sync.Client() for md_file_path in md_file_path_list: split_list = md_file_path.split(os.sep) if len(split_list) > 0: file_name = split_list[-1] print("读取文件 →", file_name) file_content = cp_utils.read_file_content(md_file_path) ## 图片资源上传微信公众号 file_content,imageId = sync.update_images_urls(file_content,client) ## 获取文章基础信息 baseinfo = sync.BaseInfo(file_content,imageId,md_file_path) for theme_file_path in theme_file_path_list: theme_name = theme_file_path.split(os.sep)[-1][:-4] print("应用样式 →", theme_name) renderer_content = render_article(file_content, theme_file_path, template_dir) out_file_path = os.path.join(out_dir, file_name.replace(".md", "_{}.html".format(theme_name))) print("输出文件 →", out_file_path) cp_utils.write_file(renderer_content, out_file_path) if sync.upload_media_news(renderer_content,baseinfo,token): sync.cache_update(md_file_path) print("sync " + md_file_path + " to wechat successful")
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# 代码块 def block_code(self, code, info=None): if self.mac_window_template is not None: highlight_result = renderer_by_node(code, self.codestyle, info) return self.mac_window_template.render(text=highlight_result) else: exts = ['markdown.extensions.extra', 'markdown.extensions.tables', 'markdown.extensions.toc', 'markdown.extensions.sane_lists', codehilite.makeExtension( guess_lang=False, noclasses=True, pygments_style='friendly' ),] if info is not None: info = info.strip() lang = '' if info: lang = info.split(None, 1)[0] code = "```"+ lang + '\n' + code + "```" html = markdown.markdown(code, extensions=exts) return replace_return(html)
- blog\push_to_gzh\config.ini中控制相关资源目录地址
- blog\push_to_gzh\styles\custom\cp_article_wx.ini 配置文章样式
- codespan和codestyle配置不可用,会导致文章介绍的投稿失败问题。
- css_beautify函数可以美化html文件,使用blog\push_to_gzh\template\author\assets中的文件实现
- 完整的代码已上传github可自行查看